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Maastricht: A city of history and mystery

Maastricht is special. It’s the oldest city in the Netherlands (settled around 50 BC), yet in many ways feels like the newest. Maastricht is vibrant, historic, creative, international, and easier… Read more

Rome: Long live the Eternal City

Rome is like no other place in the world. It’s a modern city that also contains some of the most ancient – and well-preserved – buildings on the planet. The… Read more

Southern Corsica: A land of endless beauty

Looking for a trip of a lifetime that’s only a short flight (or long-ish drive) away? Southern Corsica is it. Visitors will find beautiful beaches, rugged mountains, historic cities, great… Read more

Bremen: A city explorer’s paradise

Alive with music, food, drink, culture, parks, and water, Bremen is a brilliant place to visit. It has the vital energy of a Northern German city, but is much easier… Read more

Burghausen: see the world’s longest castle

Nestled in southeast Bavaria on the Austrian border, Burghausen is an ideal destination for a long weekend. A small, walkable town, Burghausen features the longest castle in the world and… Read more

The Ultimate DIY Advent Calendar Guide

Christmas may still be a month away but as Michael Bublé slowly defrosts across the pond, it’s time to start planning one of the best parts about Christmas: Advent Calendars…. Read more

German Plätzchen recipes

Germans love Christmas Cookies so much that they designated an entire word to it: “Plätzchen.“ This means if you’re looking for cookies anytime between January and October, they’re “Kekse” but… Read more

Thanksgiving Family

Fun Facts about Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving refers to a time of the year when families gather and together expresses their thanks for what they are thankful to and for. It is believed that the first… Read more


Germans love Wurst

From Bratwurst to Leberkäse, there are more than 1500 different kinds of wurst many of which are not available in the U.S.

Stress Busting Foods

20 Tips to Fight Stress Through Nutrition

Lack of a proper diet is one of the most important causes for many diseases and disorders in body.

Can’t-Miss German Day Trips A-Z: Oppenheim

Oppenheim is a place of wine and water, a small town on the banks of the Rhine where the circle of life is very much present. It is a place… Read more

Can’t-Miss German Day Trips A-Z: Pforzheim

Pforzheim embodies so much that is good about Germany. With more than 100,000 people, it’s large enough to offer something for every traveler, and small enough that navigating it doesn’t… Read more

Halloween Crafts

Halloween Food Crafts

There are so many things to love about Halloween—the costumes, the decorations, and most of all, the food! These Halloween food crafts are perfect for getting you into the Halloween… Read more

Moist Pumpkin Cheesecake

This cheesecake will stay moist for days in the refrigerator. The flavors of both the cream cheese and pumpkin shine through without competing. Delicious!

Stone Age Dwellings at Pfahlbau Museum

Pfalhbau is an interactive and educational museum. It presents archaeologically reconstructed versions of lake dwellings of the Neolithic and Bronze Ages.

Round, orange and good for the soul: German pumpkin fests

The American love affair with pumpkins is well documented. On the other side of the Atlantic, autumn is the season in which decorative gourds pop to life all across the… Read more

Pumpkin Bread Recipe

Pumpkin Bread From Fresh Pumpkin

Discover how to make pumpkin puree from fresh pumpkins and use it in baking, such as this delicious recipe for pumpkin bread.

16th Apple Week Mössingen

Mössingen host its 9th Annual Apple Fest this Sept. 27 to Oct. 4 which celebrate “all things apple!” Other attractions near are a geopark, a Beguine convent, a war memorial and more.


Neuschwanstein Castle and The King of Kitsch

Corona update: the castles are open, masks are mandatory. Admission only with a guided tour- available in English or German so make sure to plan ahead. I have lived in… Read more

A Mountain of Monkeys!

Check out monkeys perched in trees or “monkey-ing” around and other antics by the primates. Head to France’s La Montagne des Singes (Mountains of Monkeys).

Easy Dog Tricks

In case you didn’t fall into a YouTube hole of dog trick videos during lockdown like I did, you might be looking for a few fun and easy party tricks… Read more

Barefoot Path in Bad Schwalbach

Bad Schwalbach’s Barefoot Path provides reflexology health for mind, body and soul! Enjoy an invigorating 750 m trail through gardens with various soil textures, natural reflexology massaging, a mud basin, water pool and stream path.

Thanksgiving in Germany

Germany’s answer to thanksgiving: Erntedankfest

Germany has its own Thanksgiving celebration called “Erntedankfest”. In many Germany communities festivities include parades with floats and marching bands.

Can’t-Miss German Day Trips A-Z: Idar-Oberstein

Something about Idar-Oberstein feels almost mythical. During the journey there, shadows and light dance through trees while two-lane roads wind through valleys and forests. When you arrive in the large… Read more

Labor Day Weekend

TKS celebrated the 4th of July at the White House

cover photo by Natalia Kirichenko /

Ride the Hurtigruten for the Best Coastal Scenery in Norway

by Kat Nickola “Wait, how many steps is it to the top?” my daughter asks. “The boat captain said it’s 418,” I reply. “What’s up there?” “I’m not sure. Let’s go… Read more

The Sweet Taste of Independence

Food is the most essential part of absolutely any party but when it comes to the Fourth of July, there are only three colors that your guests want to see… Read more

6 Classic German BBQ Recipes

Germans love a good summer barbecue as much as Americans do but what they put on their plates doesn’t exactly resemble hot dogs, burgers and co. These recipes can easily… Read more

Camp in a Castle

by Kat Nickola “I see it!” my son yells. He adjusts his backpack. It is full, with his sleeping bag, mat, and clothes for the night. “Where?” I ask, hustling along… Read more

Go Back in Time at the Keltenpark in Otzenhausen

by Kat Nickola I’m standing outside a Celtic longhouse watching the Celtic way to make and hold fire. Herr Klaus Zahneisen is a docent at the Keltenpark Otzenhausen. He shows us the special… Read more

Taking the Overnight Train to Sweden

by Kat Nickola My family earned some solid Tågskryt over spring break by traveling overland, via train, all the way to Stockholm. Tågskryt is the Swedish word for “train cred” or… Read more

Preparing Your Garden For Spring

Story by While driving around lately, you may have noticed the German road crews giving anything and everything a crew cut. They have all sorts of cool connectors that… Read more

A Jungle Amidst Concrete

When the spring temperatures finally catch up to your spring spirit, the botanical garden, PalmenGarten, in Frankfurt is a great place to visit.

Vienna – A cutting-edge place for all seasons

Vienna at Christmas time is indeed cold and not a place where children under maybe 10 years of age are going to last for very long without complaining. Still, it… Read more

Things to Do When You Can’t Go Anywhere

Story by Aaron T. Grogg Edited: April 14, 2020 Feeling trapped in the house?  Need something to distract and entertain you? Well we have a couple lists for you, from… Read more

How the Celts Left Their Mark in Rodenbach

by Kat Nickola “Mom, is that a real body?” My daughter is looking through a long glass window into the side of a coffin-like space. Inside there is a very human-looking… Read more

Sprechen Sie Deutsch? 5 tips for improving your German at home

For Americans living in Germany, it can be all too easy to never learn German. If you speak English at work and English (or another non-German language) at home, you… Read more

6 Sunny Getaways to Help You Beat the Winter Blues

Betty Williams was definitely onto something when she said: “When all else fails, take a vacation!” With winter still going strong and temps still dropping, it’s only natural to want… Read more

Learning a Musical Instrument

Research has shown that children who learn to play a musical instrument tend to get better grades in school.

German High School Primer #3 – Getting School Supplies

by Kat Nickola “You got a letter from the school!” I yell. “Wow, mom.” Eyes rolling. My fourteen-year old daughter is less excited than I am. I open it. “Cool. It’s… Read more