Posts Tagged "health"

Stress Busting Foods

20 Tips to Fight Stress Through Nutrition

Lack of a proper diet is one of the most important causes for many diseases and disorders in body.

Winter Forest Hiking – Time for Adventures

by Ronnie Juhans Photo by Jag_cz/ For my fellow hikers who enjoyed the great outdoors trekking during the warmer months of the year, there is no need to put away… Read more

Recipes to Make Water More Tasty

Simple, fruit-infused water recipes to keep you hydrated and healthy

Sometimes, facing day-after-day of sipping on plain water can be like eating the same meal day in and out – completely uninspiring, even if it’s healthy.

Foods to prevent acne

Best Superfoods For Clearer Skin!

Acne problems are quite debilitating to the sufferer. Although we all suffer from this at some point in our life, break-outs shouldn’t be ignored.

Forming Healthier Habits in the New Year

3 Easy Tricks to 3 New Habits in 21 Days for a Healthier, Happier You in 2015.

Easy Anti-Aging Skincare Tips

Featured image credit Joecy Parker Keep Your Skin Smooth And Younger Looking Growing old is unavoidable, however aging is optional. Yes, no one can reverse time, but you can take… Read more

Your Guide to German Bakeries

A variety of different breads, rolls, cookies, pastries or cakes are offered daily in German bakeries. Let us help you navigate the bakeries of Germany!

The Skinny on the Mediterrean Diet

Get to know the Mediterranean Diet

Mediterranean Diet is a type of organized nutrition that is practiced by more people every day and is based on foods found in the Mediterranean area.

Healthy Smoothies for Kids

The Green Monster – A Smoothie Kids Will Love

While many parents count calories, restrict refined sugar intake and carefully control portions, kids just dig into what tastes good.

Stay in Shape like 007

Get in Shape Like 007

The world’s most famous spy became a fitness idol after Daniel Craig’s performance in Casino Royale. Learn how to achieve the same combo of brawn and brain.

Indoor Bouldering

Story by Ronnie Juhans Cover photo by santypan / As the unpredictable German Winter weather approaches, the temptation to stay indoors and keep your fingers and thumbs fit with… Read more

New Years Resolutions

Changing Bad Habits & Behaviours in the New Year

At the start of each new year it is natural to ask ourselves if we are living our lives the way we really want to.

Reducing your trash while living in Germany

by Susan Melnyk When you get stationed in Germany, someone is sure to mention the garbage situation.   Germany has one of the most progressive and environmentally friendly trash and… Read more

5 Core Strength Exercises

A strong core or core strength training is more than just looking good. A strong core will support your body when doing any kind of sport or movement.


Look and Feel Your Best for Summer

It is possible to start losing the excess body fat sensibly by cutting down the carbohydrates, reducing sugar, and saying a big no to alcohol and soft drinks. And best of all by incorporating some some fast calorie burning food items.

Low Calorie Breakfasts

Low-Calorie Breakfasts that Don’t Taste like Cardboard

Here’s a few healthy and energy packed breakfasts to jump start your day and weight loss goals.

Back Pain from Cycling

Back Pain Caused Due To Cycling and How To Reduce It

Despite cycling being a good physical workout, it can lead to back pain. Here’s how to avoid it.

The Most Common Ski Injuries

Skiing is one of the most exhilarating outdoor sport activities you can do but with all sport there is always a potential for injury.

How to Pair the Right Diet with Crossfit Training

Crossfit training has become one of the most popular and innovative ways to lose weight and get healthy and strong.

Thieves Oil: Protect Your Family

Thieves Oil: Protect your Family from Colds and Flu

Keep colds and flu at bay by having a bottle of Thieves Oil in your medicine cabinet to fight infection.

Exercise Safely this Winter

How to Exercise Safely this Winter

Keeping fit and active during the winter months can be challenging, as poor weather conditions, icy surfaces and darkness can pose a danger to your safety.

The Importance of Hand Hygiene This Winter in Fighting the Norovirus

Do you take hand hygiene seriously? Have you incorporated the 3 steps into your daily routine?

Preventing Dry Air in your Home

Try these 3 practical solutions to preventing dry air in your home.

5 Tips for a Healthy Winter Workout

As the mercury continues its seasonal plunge, it’s easy to get out of your workout routine. Take these easy steps and make sure you stay fit this winter.

5 Ways to Live the Life of Your Dreams.

5 Ways to Live the Life of Your Dreams…Part 2

Here are five ways which you can start the process of living the life and health you have always dreamed of.

A better life

5 Ways to Live the Life of Your Dreams…Part 1

5 Ways to Live the Life of Your Dreams… and have the health you have always wanted. I think it is a life-changing lesson to us all.

7 Ways to Stay Active Through the Winter

Winter is the perfect time to hibernate. The shorter days and dark, cold mornings conspire to make you want to ditch any plans you might have had to work out… Read more

Recover from a cold

Getting Over A Cold: Natural Ways To Speed Up Your Recovery

Autumn leaves bring with them the promise of winter, and along with that the delightful promise of seasonal illnesses. It is coming up to the season of colds and with… Read more

Ask yourself where you want to be. How will your health be, how will this show up in your life. Be inspired and say how you want to be. Don’t let anything conscious affect your thoughts here, just think it and be inspired.

The answer to the health and weight you want? – Part II

It’s about emotions, not diets! In the first part of this blog I talked of what I see as the issues which stop people reaching their true potential in their… Read more

The answer to the health and weight you want?

The answer to the health and weight you want? – Part I

It’s about emotions, not diets! I get asked all the time what I think of this diet, or that. The 5:2… it used to be Dukan, Weight-Watchers, I’ve had them… Read more