Posts Tagged "Prague"

5 Cities You Don’t Want to Miss While in Europe

These cities give you a true cross-section of what Europe has to offer and are the perfect introduction to each of the countries in which they reside.

Prague Christmas Markets 2016

Be dazzled now until Jan. 3 at the Prague Christmas Market! Going to this market is an elegant and charming way to celebrate the Holiday Season.

A winter trip to Prague

Head to Prague, Czech Republic this holiday season for an enchanting experience. Families can enjoy the festivities at a Christmas Market, see the changing of the guards at the Prague Castle, have a medieval feast and more!

Open until Jan. 3, Prague Xmas Market

Be dazzled now until Jan. 3 at the Prague Christmas Market! Going to this market is an elegant and charming way to celebrate the Holiday Season.

Christmas Market and More in Prague

Head to Prague, Czech Republic this holiday season for an enchanting experience. Families can enjoy the festivities at a Christmas Market, see the changing of the guards at the Prague Castle, have a medieval feast and more!

Prague – just a drive away

This Czech city is driving distance from many U.S. Army and Air Force bases here in Germany (5.5 hours from Ramstein, 5 from Wiesbaden, 4.5 from Stuttgart and only 2.5 from Grafenwoehr) and with a little planning, can be a much more affordable trip than to Paris or Venice, without sacrificing the incredible architecture, wonderful restaurants and conveniences of it’s more well-travelled counterparts.