Posts Tagged "Creative"

Wafer Muffins – A Twist to Your Regular Muffins

Story and photos by Corinna Pongracz Muffins are simply great. They’re made quickly, there’s tons of versions and kids just love them! The best thing is that muffins are so… Read more

Wine Not Get Crafty?

Ladies, hear my call. Save. Your. Corks. It is a necessity, nay it is your duty, to collect enough wine corks to make one or all of these cute cra­fts…. Read more

Pika Pika’s “Hot Stuff” and Chili Perks

Chilis are healthy and entirely natural flavor enhancers that are often underappreciated on this side of the world despite their oustanding heakth benefits and helpfulness in the kitchen. There are… Read more

An Impressive Craft Store in Trier

Trier’s Bastel Stube is a craft store you may be accustomed to in the U.S. This over 2,000 meters store is a home good and creative paradise.