Posts Tagged "Scotland"

Discover The Great Glenway - Scotland

Hike along Scotland’s Great Glen Way

The Great Glen Way runs from the edge of Loch Linnhe to the Inverness, cutting a trail through some of the Scottish Highland’s most impressive scenery.

The GREATest BRITAIN Road Trip Part 8: The Outer Hebrides

The GREATest BRITAIN Road Trip, my favorite destinations in England, Wales and Scotland: read part 1 about Bruges, Dover, Stonehenge here, part 2 about the Roman City Bath here, part 3… Read more

The GREATest BRITAIN Road Trip Part 6: The West Coast of Scotland

The GREATest BRITAIN Road Trip, my favorite destinations in England, Wales and Scotland: read part 1 about Bruges, Dover, Stonehenge here, part 2 about the Roman City Bath here, part 3… Read more

A Day Trip to Glasgow

To Scotland and back within 24 hours? Yes! Thanks to my forever love, Ryanair, you can now fly to Glasgow on early Saturday morning and return before breakfast on Sunday…. Read more

6 Things to do in Edinburgh

Scotland’s capital city Edinburgh is an iconic destination. It’s steeped in history, the site of ancient bloody battles and offers incredible architecture.

HMS Royal Oak

HMS Royal Oak – A Very Personal Memorial

14th October, 2014 marked the 75th anniversary of the sinking of HMS Royal Oak in the waters of Scapa Flow in Kirkwall, Orkney, Scotland.