Posts Tagged "flowers"

Can’t-Miss German Day Trips A-Z: Gartenschau Kaiserslautern

There is much to be said for activating your imagination somewhere beyond your office, home, or home office. Sometimes all it takes is one little – or very large –… Read more

Exhibition: Bloomy Dreams and Idyllic Landscapes

The exhibition “Blütenträume & Landschaftsidyllen” (Bloomy Dreams and Idyllic Landscapes ) focuses on Fritz Steisslinger’s nature paintings and will be set up at Städtische Galerie in der Zehntscheuer Böblingen until… Read more

Cut Your Own Flowers (Blumen zum Selbstschneiden)

Have you seen a “Blumen Selbst Schneiden” sign along the roads? This means you can stop and cut your own fresh flowers. The prices are quite economical too!