There are many things that are put on a list when planning a trip, especially with children. Unfortunately, many people forget about a first aid kit for children. Not only is it important to have a first aid kit with you, but also know how to use the items and under what circumstances.
Basic Necessities
Regardless of your child’s age, there are a few basic essentials your kit should contain. These items include band-aids, tweezers, thermometer and alcohol wipes. For baby first aid, the thermometer should be a rectal model. An antibiotic gel is a good idea for you to have with older children who are less likely to take the band-aid off.

Sun Protection
The first aid kit for children should also contain sunblock. When purchasing sunblock, you will need to consider your child’s age. For example, a tear-free variety may be better for infants and younger children. Pay attention to the sun protection factor (SPF) level. Children should have an SPF 30 or higher. There are both cream and spray varieties available. To help with sunburn, include a cream or ointment as well, for example Aloe Vera gel.

Anti-itching Medication
Bug spray is another item to include, along with a hydrocortisone anti-itch cream and possibly a bite or sting cream. Bug sprays should be labeled as safe for children. The anti-itch cream can be used for any type of itchy irritation that may occur as well as bite or sting creams can often have a numbing agent. An over-the-counter antihistamine may also be helpful for alleviating bits or stings and skin reactions.
Pain Relief and Fever Reducing
An age-appropriate pain relief* and fever reducing medication* should also be considered a necessity. Bumps, bruises, and illnesses are unpredictable and do not take a vacation just because you are traveling. Baby first aid kits should have a liquid pain reliever and fever reducer, as well as a medicine syringe for easy delivery. Older children can have tablets or other types designed for their age range. It helps to have both an ibuprofen and acetaminophen because they can be alternated.
Other Items
Other things that should be present in the kit include any prescriptions and oral rehydration salts or powder for children over a year old. For infants, include a teething relief gel, bulb syringe and gas drops. You will also need hand sanitizer or sanitizing wipes which are handy when you do not have access to soap and water.
It is a good idea to have two sizes for your first aid kit for children. A large kit should have full sized items. The second kit should be suitable for being on the go, fitting in a carry bag. Items in this kit should be the smaller travel sizes. Check your kit regularly when you are not traveling. Refill supplies as needed and check for expired items.
* recommends it is a good practice to consult first with your pediatrician before using any medication, including over-the-counter items.
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