“KreativALL Wiesbaden” is the Do-It-Yourself public trade fair all about crafts, design and cooking. Exhibitors will be presenting the latest products and trends and organizing various activities where you can join in and test your own skills. Keeping reading to find out how you can win a pair of tickets…
In addition to the fair’s familiar areas of handcrafts, painting and jewelry-making, visitors can look forward to the two new themes of “Cooking and Baking” and “Creative Woodwork”.

Great Cake Competition
German TV presenter, Enie van de Meikokjes will be looking for best baker during the 3 day event. She will also be offering tips and joining in with baking, decorating and DIY.

Children’s Progamme
Children under 14 can get involved by taking part in the “Motivtorte Märchen” (fairytale motif cake) competition. Another highlight will be the kid’s tasting school where children will be able to taste different dishes and their ingredients, and then cook the dish themselves!

There will also be a two-hour workshop each day where kids can build objects made from fabrics, ropes, threads and wires.

The fair will be open on Friday 19th February and Saturday 20th February from 10am to 6pm and Sunday 21st February from 10am to 5pm.
A one-day ticket for adults costs €9, the two-day ticket costs €14. School children and students pay €5 admission; children up to the age of six are free. The family ticket (2 adults, 2 children) costs €22. Tickets can be purchased online in advance. More information and advance ticket sales can be found on kreativall-wiesbaden.de.
Win a Pair of Tickets
Want to receive 2 tickets for free? We have 5 sets of 2 tickets up for grabs. Just send us an email at specialedition@advantipro.de with your full name and telephone number for a chance to win the tickets. We will then draw the winners and contact you if you have won!
Getting There
A free shuttle bus service for “KreativALL Wiesbaden” will be provided. The buses will be departing from Wiesbaden main train station at regular intervals (roughly every 25-30 minutes) to the Rhein-Main Wallau Trade Fair Center some eight kilometres away (outbound trip 8.30am to 2pm; return trip 2.30pm to 6.30pm).
For more details, you can view the english flyer for the fair here.
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