We are serialising the running blog of David Sweeney, who is training for the London Marathon in April 2014 and raising money for charity along the way…
2014 – back to work, back to training, back to reality
So the real 2014 started for me this Monday when I went back to work. I had a great two weeks holiday over Christmas; one week at home in Cambridge with my folks and family, and then a week in Austria skiing with a group of pals. Both were great times and surprisingly relaxing. Even the ski week, which is usually filled with Apres Ski and loads of booze, was much more laid back than normal. Maybe I am finally “coming of age” as one of the group suggested!
So got back on the Saturday and decided to head out for a big run on the Sunday to try and burn off some of the holiday calories. I did bring my running gear with me to Cambridge and Austria but manged only two measly runs in the two weeks. But this Sunday I knocked out a good 15k at good pace which got me back in the mood and back in the game. And game on it is! Only 12 weeks left till the London Marathon and I am determined to do a better job than I did last year. I had injuries and was ill on the run up to the race last year so it didnt work out as I planned, and came over the line in 5.55 or something like that. This year I would like to get under 4.30.
Looking back over last year as one does around these times, I can say that I completed 2 marathons and maintained my training throughout the year, but didnt really lose any weight on the scales, although I know I am fitter and leaner than this time last year. One of my resolutions for 2014 is to eat healthier and not to allow myself to eat what I want just because I ran 10k that morning. Need to also lower the alcohol consumption too!
Off to set up my Just Giving page – gotta raise two grand for the London Marathon entry….