
Posts Tagged "Holidays"

Easter traditions in Germany

Story by Nicole Karsch-Meibom, featured image by Anna Nahabed Easter is a happy time. After a long winter, finally nature is in full bloom. Children are waiting for the Easter bunny…. Read more

Lizard Peninsula, Cornwall

Beach Holidays in England?

One of the most famous and beautiful coastlines in Britain is Cornwall so we asked a local to give us some recommendations for you…

Paris Galleries Lafayette at Christmas

Get in the holiday spirit in Paris!

Known as both the City of Light and the City of Love, Paris is one of the most romantic cities in the world. Paris at Christmas, decked out in its holiday finery, makes it even more beautiful than usual. Here are a few places to visit while you’re in Paris before or during the holidays.

Giving Thanks and Eating Well

As the leaves begin to yellow and fall our thoughts turn to the holiday season. And with Halloween come and gone, excitement and anticipation build for the many glorious foods… Read more

A Guide To Staying Connected To Family Overseas During the Holiday Season

The holiday season is just around the corner, which means time with family and friends celebrating the joy of the season. However, if you or your friends and loved ones… Read more

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