Germany heightens border controls: Don’t forget passport

Beginning on September 16, Germany has implemented heightened border control measures at the country’s land borders with France, Belgium, Luxembourg, Denmark, and the Netherlands.

According to the German Federal government, these actions are intended to limit irregular migration and strengthen internal security.

Plan ahead if you’re traveling

If you or members of your family are traveling – either personally or for official business – please remember to bring the following, as necessary:

  • Passport: even in times when border controls are not present, it is still a good idea to pack your passport.
  • ID cards
  • Driver’s license and international driver’s license, as needed
  • Orders, if applicable

Travel delays are likely, so be sure to plan ahead. Allow for extra time, and leave a bit earlier.

Temporary border controls

According to European Union policy, border control measures are permitted on a temporary basis in the event of a serious threat to public policy or internal security. Temporary border checks have existed since October 2023 for other countries to Germany’s east and south, including Poland, Czech Republic, Switzerland and Austria. Though these measures were set to expire in November (for Austria) and December (for Poland, Czech Republic, and Switzerland), the German government has announced that they will be continued.

Feature photo by BalkansCat /

Categories: News, Travel